




Why is the Revenue required in the revised AAF Policy?


The Revenue figure, which is required from 1 January 2022 as part of the annual audit, or when requested by the CB, allows the Forest Products Turnover figure to be evaluated in the context of the Revenue for reasonableness and plausibility (see clause 2.11 of the AAF Policy). Section b ‘Scope’ of the AAF Policy states: “FSC and/or a contracted third party will monitor the correct implementation of this Policy by CBs”. Consequently, CHs are required to disclose the overall Revenue to provide the necessary context for the Forest Products Turnover figure; it is an important piece of information to assess whether the correct AAF is charged.

2022年1月1日から年次監査の際または認証機関からの要請に基づき、年間収入情報(林産物以外の売上を含む)が求められています。これは、林産物の売上高情報と照らし合わせることで(AAF指針2.11項に基づき)認証機関が、提示された林産物の売上高情報の合理性と妥当性を評価するために使用されます。AAF指針のセクション2「範囲」には以下のように書かれています:「FSC及び/または委託された第三者が、本指針が認証機関によって正しく実施されている か監視する」。AAが正しく請求されているか評価するためにも、林産物の売上高情報の妥当性を評価するために収入情報の開示が求められます。


Why is the AAF not calculated solely on the FSC-certified turnover?


The total Forest Products Turnover is used as a basis for calculating AAF because this reflects the total potential benefit that an organization could derive from FSC certification. Furthermore, FSC sees increased uptake of FSC certification as a primary driver towards achieving its mission of ‘Forests for All Forever’. Charging AAF based on the entire Forest Products Turnover thus provides an incentive for CHs to maximize the use of their certificate. FSC CHs may also advertise themselves as FSC-certified, and hence businesses can derive value simply from having an FSC certificate, even if the proportion of sales of FSC-certified products is low. (This is the same approach as in previous versions of the AAF Policy.)

AAFの計算に林産物すべて(非認証製品も含む)の売上高を使用するのは、組織がFSC認証制度から許容し得る最大の恩恵を反映しているためです。更にFSCは、Forests for All Foreverのミッションの達成に向けた主な推進力は、FSC認証をより活用することだと見ています。従って、全林産物の売上高に対してAAFを請求することで、認証取得者が自身の認証を最大限活用する動機につながると考えています。FSC認証取得者は、たとえFSC認証製品の販売割合が低くても、自身をFSC認証取得者であると宣伝することができるため、この時点ですでにFSC認証取得企業であるという価値の恩恵を受けることができます。(AAF計算に非認証製品も含めた林産物全体の売上高を用いるというアプローチは以前のAAF指針から変わっていません)


How should the Forest Products Turnover be calculated for a product that consists of wood and/or fiber, as well as other materials?


Forest Products Turnover includes the Revenue of all products containing wood or fibre components, regardless of the percentage of wood and/or fibre. (This approach has not been changed compared to V2-9 of the AAF Policy.)



Is a document signed by a Chartered Accountant stating just the Forest Products Turnover amount (with no context) sufficient as supporting documentation for the Forest Products Turnover amount?


A signed statement from a reputable professional services firm is acceptable. In such a case the CB is not required to investigate further the validity of the numbers stated. The statement shall include the name of the Chartered Accountant or auditor, as well as the organization.

A self-declaration signed by an internal Chartered Accountant can be used as supporting documentation alongside other checks. 




Which records of the supporting documentation for the AAF calculation should be collected and stored by CBs related to Forest Products Turnover and Revenue?


In general, CBs are required to store the following information and supporting documentation, so that the AAF could be independently verified by a third party, if required:

  1. The approach used
  2. The rationale for the approach
  3. Details of supporting documentation assessed, including key figures.

It is not compulsory for CBs to store a copy of the supporting documentation itself. However, FSC recommends CBs store the supporting documentation if possible.


  1. 用いられたアプローチ
  2. そのアプローチ採用の理由
  3. 主要な数字を含む評価された支持文書の詳細
